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Comisionada y diputada Maria Luisa borjas |
Por exigir justicia y
esclarecimiento en el crimen contra la líder ambientalista e indígena, Berta Cáceres
en marzo de 2016, fue condenada una reconocida defensora de los derechos humanos
en Honduras, María Luisa Borjas.
La también Comisionada de policía en retiro y diputada de la oposición en Honduras, María Luisa Borjas, ha recibido amenazas a muerte, según lo mencionó en una conferencia de prensa una coalición de organismos de derechos humanos de esa nación centroamericana.
por: Ronnie Huete S.
Washington DC, 30 de enero
de 2019. Un nuevo precedente contra la libertad
de expresión y pensamiento pone en riesgo la vida, de quienes se atreven a denunciar
los vejámenes que comete una dictadura.
dictadura es descrita constantemente por medios internacionales como una secuestradora
de la democracia y la paz en Honduras, debido a que el crimen organizado y el
narcotráfico dirigen los destinos de ese país centroamericano.
una mujer que me he forjado en la adversidad” afirmó la comisionada en condición
de retiro de la policía de Honduras y diputada del poder legislativo del país centroamericano,
María Luisa Borjas, quien fue condenada por el delito de calumnias constitutivas
de difamación por un reconocido empresario de Centroamérica.
diputada por el partido de oposición en su país ha sido conocida internacionalmente
como una valiente mujer, que defiende los derechos humanos y ha denunciado las
injusticias que atan a Honduras en la impunidad.
principios del siglo XXI, María Luisa Borjas fue destituida de la Policía Nacional
tras denunciar que 20 altos oficiales de ese organismo de seguridad estatal estaban
involucrados en asesinatos de menores. Este acontecimiento puso en peligro su
vida y la de su familia.
pasado noviembre de 2017, la diputada Borjas denunció ante la prensa nacional e
internacional, a reconocidas figuras públicas como sospechosas intelectuales de
haber planificado el asesinato de la líder indígena y ambientalista, Berta Cáceres.
la conferencia, la diputada Borjas exijió justicia por el crimen cometido contra
Berta Cáceres, por lo que este hecho incomodo a un influyente empresario de
Honduras, quien decidió denunciar a Borjas por el delito de calumnias constitutivas
de difamación.
que se inició el proceso judicial contra la diputada, ella rechazó conciliar
contra el demandante, puesto que asegura que la lista de los sospechosos que leyó
en 2017 en las oficinas del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos se
sustenta en un informe elaborado por la Policía de Honduras.
ese informe se describe una estructura criminal que involucra a empresarios, políticos
y miembros de la Policía del país centroamericano en estar involucrados en el asesinato
de Berta Cáceres.
Por el delito de calumnias
constitutivas de difamación, Borjas podría ser objeto de una condena que oscila
entre dos años y ocho meses a cuatro años de prisión.
“Yo pensé realmente, hasta
el último momento, creí que el señor Rolando Argueta (Juez), iba a tener un
ápice de dignidad y que iba a fallar conforme a ley y conforme a derecho,
pero no, estas personas están cooptadas, porque no tienen ni la libertad ni la
solvencia moral para oponerse a la opresión política que existe en nuestro
país”: María Luisa Borjas, comisionada de policía en retiro y actual diputada del
Congreso legislativo de Honduras.
En los últimos 10 años de
historia, el Estado de Honduras se ha ido quebrantando a tal punto, que para
algunos que conforman el concierto de la comunidad internacional, lo caracterizan
como un Estado Fallido.
Una de las causantes de esta
característica, se debe al alto nivel de militarización sin resultado alguno en
la reducción de la alta tasa de violencia y los irregulares procesos electorales
que se han hilvanado después del golpe de Estado de 2009.
Los crímenes como el de la ambientalista
y líder indígena Berta Cáceres, quien fuera asesinada en su casa de habitación,
al igual que la líder campesina Margarita Murillo quien fue asesinada de la
misma forma en 2014 y según lo denuncian los familiares de ambas víctimas, los
autores intelectuales de ambos crímenes siguen en libertad.
La responsabilidad humana de
exigir justicia en una nación que esta coaptada por una dictadura, confirma la
guerra no declarada que se efectúa en ese país, puesto que mujeres valientes,
como la Comisionada María Luisa Borjas, corren el peligro de ser encarceladas o
privadas de su vida, por parte de los inhumanos que se enriquecen con mantener
un Estado fallido.
Por tal motivo, es
indispensable que los organismos internacionales de derechos humanos redoblen
su presión ante la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU), entre otros
organismos oficiales en el coro internacional de naciones, para que brinden protección
a mujeres como la diputada María Luisa Borjas, puesto que su vida y la de su familia
está en peligro.
In order to demand justice and clarification in the crime against the environmental and indigenous leader, Berta Cáceres, in March 2016, a well-known human rights defender in Honduras, María Luisa Borjas, was condemned.
The also retired police commissioner and opposition deputy in Honduras, María Luisa Borjas, has received death threats, as mentioned at a press conference by a coalition of human rights organizations from that Central American nation.
Written by: Ronnie Huete S.
International journalist
Washington DC, January 30, 2019. A new precedent against freedom of expression and thought puts at risk the life of those who dare to denounce the vexations committed by a dictatorship.
This dictatorship is constantly described by international media as a kidnapper of democracy and peace in Honduras, because organized crime and drug trafficking direct the destiny of that Central American country.
"I am a woman that I have forged in adversity" affirmed the commissioner in condition of retirement of the Honduran police and deputy of the legislative power of the Central American country, Maria Luisa Borjas, who was condemned for the crime of slander constituting defamation by a recognized entrepreneur of Central America.
The deputy for the opposition party in her country has been known internationally as a brave woman, who defends human rights and has denounced the injustices that bind Honduras in impunity.
At the beginning of the 21st century, María Luisa Borjas was dismissed from the National Police after denouncing that 20 high officials of that state security agency were involved in murders of minors. This event endangered his life and that of his family.
Last November, the deputy Borjas denounced before the national and international press, to recognized public figures as suspicious intellectuals of having planned the murder of the indigenous leader and environmentalist, Berta Cáceres.
At the conference, the deputy Borjas demanded justice for the crime committed against Berta Cáceres, making this fact uncomfortable to an influential businessman from Honduras, who decided to denounce Borjas for the crime of slander constituting defamation.
Since the judicial process against the deputy began, she refused to conciliate against the plaintiff, since she assures that the list of suspects that she read in 2017 in the offices of the National Commissioner of Human Rights is based on a report prepared by the Police from Honduras.
This report describes a criminal structure that involves businessmen, politicians and members of the Central American country's police to be involved in the murder of Berta Cáceres.
For the crime of slander constituting defamation, Borjas could be subject to a sentence ranging from two years to eight months to four years in prison.
"I really thought, until the last moment, I thought that Mr. Rolando Argueta (Judge) was going to have a bit of dignity and that he was going to fail according to law and according to law, but no, these people are co-opted, because they have neither the freedom nor the moral solvency to oppose the political oppression that exists in our country ": María Luisa Borjas, retired police commissioner and current deputy of the legislative Congress of Honduras.
In the last 10 years of history, the State of Honduras has been breaking down to such an extent that for some that make up the concert of the international community, they characterize it as a Failed State.
One of the causes of this characteristic is due to the high level of militarization without any result in the reduction of the high rate of violence and the irregular electoral processes that have been basted after the coup d'état of 2009.
Crimes such as that of the environmentalist and indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, who was murdered in her home, like the peasant leader Margarita Murillo who was murdered in the same way in 2014 and as reported by the relatives of both victims, Intellectual authors of both crimes remain at large.
The human responsibility to demand justice in a nation that is co-opted by a dictatorship, confirms the undeclared war that takes place in that country, since courageous women, such as Commissioner Maria Luisa Borjas, run the risk of being imprisoned or deprived of their rights. life, by the inhuman who enrich themselves with maintaining a failed state.
For this reason, it is essential that international human rights organizations redouble their pressure before the United Nations (UN), among other official bodies in the international chorus of nations, to provide protection to women such as Deputy María Luisa Borjas, since his life and that of his family is in danger.
The human rights defender is condemned
Commissioner and deputy Maria Luisa Borjas
The also retired police commissioner and opposition deputy in Honduras, María Luisa Borjas, has received death threats, as mentioned at a press conference by a coalition of human rights organizations from that Central American nation.
Written by: Ronnie Huete S.
International journalist
Washington DC, January 30, 2019. A new precedent against freedom of expression and thought puts at risk the life of those who dare to denounce the vexations committed by a dictatorship.
This dictatorship is constantly described by international media as a kidnapper of democracy and peace in Honduras, because organized crime and drug trafficking direct the destiny of that Central American country.
"I am a woman that I have forged in adversity" affirmed the commissioner in condition of retirement of the Honduran police and deputy of the legislative power of the Central American country, Maria Luisa Borjas, who was condemned for the crime of slander constituting defamation by a recognized entrepreneur of Central America.
The deputy for the opposition party in her country has been known internationally as a brave woman, who defends human rights and has denounced the injustices that bind Honduras in impunity.
At the beginning of the 21st century, María Luisa Borjas was dismissed from the National Police after denouncing that 20 high officials of that state security agency were involved in murders of minors. This event endangered his life and that of his family.
Last November, the deputy Borjas denounced before the national and international press, to recognized public figures as suspicious intellectuals of having planned the murder of the indigenous leader and environmentalist, Berta Cáceres.
At the conference, the deputy Borjas demanded justice for the crime committed against Berta Cáceres, making this fact uncomfortable to an influential businessman from Honduras, who decided to denounce Borjas for the crime of slander constituting defamation.
Since the judicial process against the deputy began, she refused to conciliate against the plaintiff, since she assures that the list of suspects that she read in 2017 in the offices of the National Commissioner of Human Rights is based on a report prepared by the Police from Honduras.
This report describes a criminal structure that involves businessmen, politicians and members of the Central American country's police to be involved in the murder of Berta Cáceres.
For the crime of slander constituting defamation, Borjas could be subject to a sentence ranging from two years to eight months to four years in prison.
"I really thought, until the last moment, I thought that Mr. Rolando Argueta (Judge) was going to have a bit of dignity and that he was going to fail according to law and according to law, but no, these people are co-opted, because they have neither the freedom nor the moral solvency to oppose the political oppression that exists in our country ": María Luisa Borjas, retired police commissioner and current deputy of the legislative Congress of Honduras.
In the last 10 years of history, the State of Honduras has been breaking down to such an extent that for some that make up the concert of the international community, they characterize it as a Failed State.
One of the causes of this characteristic is due to the high level of militarization without any result in the reduction of the high rate of violence and the irregular electoral processes that have been basted after the coup d'état of 2009.
Crimes such as that of the environmentalist and indigenous leader Berta Cáceres, who was murdered in her home, like the peasant leader Margarita Murillo who was murdered in the same way in 2014 and as reported by the relatives of both victims, Intellectual authors of both crimes remain at large.
The human responsibility to demand justice in a nation that is co-opted by a dictatorship, confirms the undeclared war that takes place in that country, since courageous women, such as Commissioner Maria Luisa Borjas, run the risk of being imprisoned or deprived of their rights. life, by the inhuman who enrich themselves with maintaining a failed state.
For this reason, it is essential that international human rights organizations redouble their pressure before the United Nations (UN), among other official bodies in the international chorus of nations, to provide protection to women such as Deputy María Luisa Borjas, since his life and that of his family is in danger.