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La re-configuración de nuevos conflictos son parte de la estrategia del nuevo orden mundial. |
“En Venezuela se juega la geopolítica
del nuevo orden mundial y el reacomodo de las hegemonías o del multilateralismo”
Luis Varese, sociólogo latinoamericano. Varese fue representante adjunto del
Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados en Ecuador y funcionario
de la ONU por 20 años.
“Nos mean y los periódicos
dicen que llueve” Eduardo Galeano.
por: Ronnie Huete s.
Washington DC, 12 de
febrero de 2019. Los anuncios
de guerra siguen su curso en la región latinoamericana, perpetrando una posible
Libia en la región.
intentos de respetar la paz a través de tratados internacionales para mantener
la buena relación entre las naciones, ha fracasado, siendo esto un golpe fuerte
en la diplomacia internacional.
petróleo junto con otros recursos naturales, sumado a los intereses de las
transnacionales en mantener su control, se sobreponen a la vida humana de millones
de venezolanos.
embargo, la distorsión de la información en cuanto a describir cual es el
verdadero propósito de una posible intervención hacia Venezuela de parte de los
Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y algunos países de Latinoamérica etiquetados
en el “grupo de Lima”, a generado el odio entre la opinión mundial.
odio es producto del sesgo que mantienen ciertos emporios de la comunicación,
quienes han señalado que el tema de Venezuela solo responde a una crisis humanitaria
o irrespeto a los derechos humanos, no obstante, solo basta revisar la historia
contemporánea y darse cuenta de que los verdaderos intereses que mueven los
cimientos de una guerra han sido la apropiación de los recursos naturales.
estilo de la época colonial en donde la cosmovisión euro-centrista por apodarse
de los recursos naturales de todo el continente americano, llevo a los colonizadores
a cometer genocidios contra la población nativa de aquella época, todo ello en
nombre de dios y de la prosperidad.
supuesto el termino para referirse a estos colonizadores fue caballeros
europeos y no asesinos despiadados, tal y cual lo describe la historia de la colonia
en América Latina.
similares condiciones, Yemen, Siria, Libia, Mali, Senegal entre otras naciones
ricas en recursos naturales, siguen siendo victimas de este pensamiento genocida.
objetivo de la difusión de informaciones distorsionadas es lavar el cerebro de
la humanidad para que su pensamiento sea uniforme conforme a los intereses de
la elite mundial, quienes diseñan sus últimos retoques del nuevo orden político,
económico y religioso que mantendrá un régimen autoritario en el planeta.
solo es un ejemplo más de como la humanidad aprueba las masacres que producen
las guerras, con la excusa de encontrar armas de destrucción masiva, crisis
humanitaria, libertad, instalar democracia, etc.
en Washington DC se efectúo un conversatorio académico, organizado por la Unión
de los Trabajadores de Washington, sin embargo, en un intento fallido por boicotearlo,
llegaron personas ajenas a la realidad que ocurre en Venezuela y comenzaron a
atacar con el acérrimo odio que solo la ignorancia y el lavado de cerebro que ciertos
medios de comunicación producen en el pensamiento humano.
corresponsal internacional de la cadena televisiva Telesur, en la capital estadounidense,
Alina Duarte, fue víctima de un acoso verbal de parte de estas personas,
quienes depositaron todo su odio contra los panelistas y demás miembros que ahí
se encontraban para debatir académicamente por la paz en la tierra.
hechos son totalmente condenables para los que buscan el respeto y la paz en la
humanidad por sobre cualquier tipo de agresión provocada, puesto que quebranta
todo espíritu de paz y armonía entre la raza humana.
fue un claro ejemplo de como el pensamiento en la opinión publica causa la distorsión
de la realidad, solo para el beneficio de quien desea cumplir su objetivo de mantener
el poder mundial.
así un montaje contra la humanidad, que pase de ser una ilusión diseñada desde
la corporación mediática, a la nefasta realidad de la guerra.
"In Venezuela the geopolitics of the new world order and the rearrangement of hegemonies or multilateralism are played" Luis Varese, Latin American sociologist. Varese was deputy representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ecuador and a UN official for 20 years.
"In Venezuela the geopolitics of the new world order and the rearrangement of hegemonies or multilateralism are played" Luis Varese, Latin American sociologist. Varese was deputy representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ecuador and a UN official for 20 years.
"We mean it and the newspapers say it's raining" Eduardo Galeano.
Written by: Ronnie Huete s.
International journalist
Washington DC, February 12, 2019. War announcements are continuing in the Latin American region, perpetrating a possible Libya in the region.
Attempts to respect peace through international treaties to maintain good relations between nations have failed, this being a strong blow in international diplomacy.
The oil along with other natural resources, added to the interests of the transnationals in maintaining their control, overcomes the human life of millions of Venezuelans.
However, the distortion of the information as to describe what is the true purpose of a possible intervention towards Venezuela on the part of the United States, the European Union and some Latin American countries labeled in the "Lima group", generated the I hate between world opinion.
This hatred is the product of the bias that certain emporiums of communication maintain, who have pointed out that the issue of Venezuela only responds to a humanitarian crisis or disrespect for human rights, however, it is enough to review contemporary history and realize that True interests that move the foundations of a war have been the appropriation of natural resources.
In the style of the colonial era, where the Euro-centrist worldview by nicknamed the natural resources of the entire American continent, led the colonizers to commit genocide against the native population of that time, all in the name of god and prosperity .
Of course the term to refer to these colonizers was European knights and not ruthless assassins, as described by the history of the colony in Latin America.
In similar conditions, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Mali, Senegal among other nations rich in natural resources, continue to be victims of this genocidal thought.
The objective of the diffusion of distorted information is to wash the brain of humanity so that its thinking is uniform according to the interests of the world elite, who design their last touches of the new political, economic and religious order that will maintain an authoritarian regime in the planet.
Venezuela is just one more example of how humanity approves of the massacres that wars produce, with the excuse of finding weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian crisis, freedom, installing democracy, etc.
Recently in Washington DC an academic discussion was held, organized by the Union of Workers of Washington, however, in a failed attempt to boycott, came people outside the reality that occurs in Venezuela and began to attack with the bitter hatred that only ignorance and brainwashing that certain media produce in human thought.
The international correspondent of the television network Telesur, in the US capital, Alina Duarte, was the victim of verbal harassment by these people, who deposited all their hatred against the panelists and other members who were there to debate academically for peace. on earth.
These facts are totally reprehensible to those who seek respect and peace in humanity over any type of aggression provoked, since it breaks every spirit of peace and harmony among the human race.
This was a clear example of how thought in public opinion causes the distortion of reality, only for the benefit of those who wish to fulfill their goal of maintaining world power.
Thus creating a montage against humanity, which goes from being an illusion designed from the media corporation, to the nefarious reality of war.
"In Venezuela the geopolitics of the new world order and the rearrangement of hegemonies or multilateralism are played" Luis Varese, Latin American sociologist. Varese was deputy representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ecuador and a UN official for 20 years.
The montage against humanity
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The reconfiguration of new conflicts are part of the strategy of the new world order. |
"In Venezuela the geopolitics of the new world order and the rearrangement of hegemonies or multilateralism are played" Luis Varese, Latin American sociologist. Varese was deputy representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ecuador and a UN official for 20 years.
"We mean it and the newspapers say it's raining" Eduardo Galeano.
Written by: Ronnie Huete s.
International journalist
Washington DC, February 12, 2019. War announcements are continuing in the Latin American region, perpetrating a possible Libya in the region.
Attempts to respect peace through international treaties to maintain good relations between nations have failed, this being a strong blow in international diplomacy.
The oil along with other natural resources, added to the interests of the transnationals in maintaining their control, overcomes the human life of millions of Venezuelans.
However, the distortion of the information as to describe what is the true purpose of a possible intervention towards Venezuela on the part of the United States, the European Union and some Latin American countries labeled in the "Lima group", generated the I hate between world opinion.
This hatred is the product of the bias that certain emporiums of communication maintain, who have pointed out that the issue of Venezuela only responds to a humanitarian crisis or disrespect for human rights, however, it is enough to review contemporary history and realize that True interests that move the foundations of a war have been the appropriation of natural resources.
In the style of the colonial era, where the Euro-centrist worldview by nicknamed the natural resources of the entire American continent, led the colonizers to commit genocide against the native population of that time, all in the name of god and prosperity .
Of course the term to refer to these colonizers was European knights and not ruthless assassins, as described by the history of the colony in Latin America.
In similar conditions, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Mali, Senegal among other nations rich in natural resources, continue to be victims of this genocidal thought.
The objective of the diffusion of distorted information is to wash the brain of humanity so that its thinking is uniform according to the interests of the world elite, who design their last touches of the new political, economic and religious order that will maintain an authoritarian regime in the planet.
Venezuela is just one more example of how humanity approves of the massacres that wars produce, with the excuse of finding weapons of mass destruction, humanitarian crisis, freedom, installing democracy, etc.
Recently in Washington DC an academic discussion was held, organized by the Union of Workers of Washington, however, in a failed attempt to boycott, came people outside the reality that occurs in Venezuela and began to attack with the bitter hatred that only ignorance and brainwashing that certain media produce in human thought.
The international correspondent of the television network Telesur, in the US capital, Alina Duarte, was the victim of verbal harassment by these people, who deposited all their hatred against the panelists and other members who were there to debate academically for peace. on earth.
These facts are totally reprehensible to those who seek respect and peace in humanity over any type of aggression provoked, since it breaks every spirit of peace and harmony among the human race.
This was a clear example of how thought in public opinion causes the distortion of reality, only for the benefit of those who wish to fulfill their goal of maintaining world power.
Thus creating a montage against humanity, which goes from being an illusion designed from the media corporation, to the nefarious reality of war.
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